Gwinnett County Middle School

Fast Pitch Softball

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Coaches Acknowledgement

2024 Coaches Information & Due Dates


  • July 12 @ 5pm Coach & Player Registration Opens at
  • July 20 Uniform Orders, If you are ordering any Coaches or parents shirts this is due today also
  • Aug 3 Coaches background check, Concussion & Mandatory Reporter Certificates * SEE LINKS BELOW*
  • Aug 9/10  Pre- Season Jamboree at Lilburn Lions Club
  • Aug 18/25  & Sept 8/15/22  League Play
  • Sept 14/21  Rain Make up Dates
  • Sept 27/28/29  Post Season Tnt Lilburn Lions Club

Background Check, Concussion & Mandatory Reporter Certificate Links

  • First, your background check thru USA Softball, here
  • Second, CDC Heads Up Concussion Training, here
  • Third, the Mandatory Reporter Certificate , here
  • Fee: $200.00 per player this covers secondary players insurance, jersey, and normally 10 league games. Ten softballs will be provided to each team for league play.
  • No gate fee at Pre-Season, $10.00 gate per player at Post Season tnt.
  • If at any point during the season you have a player injured during practice or a game we need to be notified within 24 hours so we can document for any claim purposes.
  • For rainouts and urgent game changes or situations TWITTER will be our source of information. Please stress to parents and players the importance of following us @GMSFPL
  • If you have any questions or concerns please reach out via email and I will get back with you within 24 hours. We look forward to a great season!
Coach Documentation
Coach First Name
Coach Last Name
Coach Email Address
Coach Cell Phone
Coach Address
Background Check
CDC Heads Up Concussion Training Form
Mandatory Reporter Certificate
Safe Kids Program

SafeKids Program Guidelines

The following constitute the policies of GMSFPL/ TnT Sports,LLC with regard to awareness and prevention of abuse within our organization.

GMSFPL is committed to provide a safe environment and to prevent child abuse and sexual misconduct.

GMSFPL will make every reasonable effort to ensure that every person involved in coaching/ training a sport activity in our organization will abide by these SafeKids guidelines.

GMSFPL will make every reasonable effort to exclude any adult with a legally documented history of child abuse/molestation or any other conviction or record that would bring unnecessary risk to the health and safety of the participants of this organization.

GMSFPL will perform a National criminal background check on every person applying for a position (including volunteers) at our organization.

GMSFPL will take appropriate action on all allegations of child abuse and/or sexual misconduct. All allegations will be reported immediately to the authorities for investigation and our organization will cooperate fully with any such investigation.

The following represent the preventive measures of our organization with regard to abuse:

- Physical, mental, and verbal abuse of any of the participants, coaches, managers, employees, or volunteers involved in our sponsored activities is not permitted.

- Inappropriate touching of any kind is forbidden.

- We agree to provide more than one adult working at or overseeing every activity. If a child needs special attention (one -on-one training or an individual meeting), it will be handled with the assistance or presence of another adult.

- Coaches/trainers should not socialize with the participants outside of the sponsored activities of the organization.

- Coaches/trainers should never ride alone with a child or participant in a car. Procedures will be established for coaches to follow in the event a participant is stranded at an activity.

- Parents are encouraged to attend sponsored activities

You must scroll through, read, and click the "I have read and agree" checkbox at the bottom of the Safe Kids Program text

Concussion Policy

Concussion Awareness-Prevention Guidelines

The following constitute the policies of GMSFPL / TnT Sports. LLC with regard to concussion awareness and prevention within our organization.

GMSFPL is committed to maintain an adequate system and regularly promote a concussion awareness and safety recognition program, including, but not limited to, the online Concussion Course offered by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

GMSFPL communicates, in writing (including by electronic means), our concussion awareness and safety recognition program to all participants, coaches, parents and involved parties.

GMSFPL has a clear understanding of concussion and the potential consequences of the injury; recognizing concussion signs and symptoms and how to respond.

GMSFPL is focused on prevention and preparedness to help participants stay safe and learn the steps for returning to activity after a concussion.

GMSFPL will take the following 5 steps if we suspect a participant has a concussion:

Remove the athlete from play. Look for signs and symptoms of a concussion if your athlete has experienced a bump or blow to the head or body. When in doubt, keep the athlete out of play.

Ensure that the athlete is evaluated by a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion.

Recording the following information can help health care professionals in assessing the athlete after the injury: Cause of the injury and force of the hit or blow to the head or body Any loss of consciousness (passed out/knocked out) and if so, for how long Any memory loss immediately following the injury Any seizures immediately following the injury Number of previous concussions (if any)

Inform the athlete’s parents or guardians about the possible concussion and give them the fact sheet on concussion. Make sure they know that the athlete should be seen by a health care professional who is experienced in evaluating for concussion.

Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says he/she is symptom-free, and it’s OK to return to play.

A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain recovers from the first concussion—usually within a short period of time (hours, days, or weeks)—can slow recovery or increase the likelihood of having long-term problems. In rare cases, repeat concussions can result in edema (brain swelling), permanent brain damage, and even death. Our coaches acknowledge that we have adopted this program and have incorporated it into our program

I agree to abide by all the COVID-19 restrictions set forth under Executive Order from Gov.Brian Kemp, Gwinnett County Parks and Recreations, TnT Sports, LLC and Gwinnett Middle School Fast Pitch League and hold harmless all parties listed above in regard to any COVID-19 diagnosis contracted by my child or any family member.

You must scroll through, read, and click the "I have read and agree" checkbox at the bottom of the Concussion Policy text